Car theft has been a persistent problem for societies around the world, but it reached a critical peak in the 1990s. This period was marked by a sharp increase in the number of stolen vehicles.
Standardisation of the immobilizer (an electronic anti-theft device that prevents a car's engine from starting unless the correct key is present) reduced the rate of car theft by an estimated 70 percent in the Netherlands and 80 percent in England and Wales, within ten years after the regulation went into effect.
Prior to the year 2000, vehicle thefts trends exhibited considerable variation between countries. Subsequently, however, the trends became more uniform, falling into two distinct groups. The European countries and Australia demonstrate a notable decline from 2000 onwards, while the US and Canada exhibit a decline of a comparable magnitude, commencing several years later, around 2006/07. This is explained by the adoption of electronic immobilisers.
This illustrates the advantages of government legislation, as countries that mandated the installation of electronic immobilisers at an earlier stage witnessed a more rapid reduction in crime.
Organized crime groups recognized the lucrativeness of the stolen car market, leading to an increase in professional car theft rings. Cars lacked robust security systems, making them vulnerable to theft. Car manufacturers stepped up their game by introducing improved security features . These measures made it significantly more challenging for thieves to steal cars.
The first cars with electronic immobilisers appeared around 1990. At that time, its use was mainly limited to premium makes and models.
In November 1995, the European Union (EU) adopted Directive 74/61/EEC, which made installation of an electronic engine immobilizer mandatory in all new passenger cars sold within the EU as of October.
Increased cost vs Security: Adding an immobiliser to a vehicle adds to its manufacturing cost.
Security Vs Ease: If the key fob battery dies or the key is lost, the user might be locked out of their own vehicle, requiring assistance from a locksmith or dealership.